Divine Feminine: Missy Elliott

Everyone of us has un-lived fantasy lives that dwell inside of us. In another realm, I am a feminist rapper. It's not possible in this realm as I'm pretty sure I don't have any flow! But, I know that, in this parallel universe, I am a badass. 

I spent yesterday lunchtime dancing around my living room to Missy Elliott and thinking about what a game-changer she was. She is an inspiring queen who is totally in her own power. Doing "woman" in her own wonderful way. I couldn't stop thinking about what a feminist icon she is to me and then stumbled across this brilliant article on just that: http://bit.ly/2ssrRvL . 

The article above covers everything I adore about Missy and why she is such a powerful woman for me. I want to start writing more on here about the powerful women who inspire me, as empowering women is one of the main inspirations behind many of my jewellery designs.

One more thing to love about Ms Elliott....she's always rocking a mean pair of hoops! My most beloved ear dressing. Now, whatever your musical taste, go stick on "Get Ur Freak On" LOUD and worship at the alter of Miss E.


July Jewel Of The Month


June Jewel Of The Month