June Jewel Of The Month

Ok. So I'm not great at keeping track of the month I'm in and totally lunched on creating a Jewel of the Month blog post for May! Time goes so fast and I've just checked the calendar to see that it's the end of June! So here is the Jewel of the Month for June (just in time!). But to make up for the missing month, it's more a Collection of the Month!

I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that the sun is one of the most important entities in my life. I'm a different woman when the sun shines on my bones. As a teenager, my mum once observed that I grew visibly taller when the sun came out, like a flower. I feel this expansion in every part of me when I go for a stroll in the sun's nourishing rays. I'm flooded with a serene positivity and feel more confident, more empowered.

Living in a country that doesn't always see the sun inspired me to create my own sunshine. On those days when the sun don't shine, I can wear a piece from my Sunburst collection to take me back to the Marcia that comes out in the sunshine. Each time my eyes fall upon the piece of jewellery, I take my attention back to feelings of warmth and expansion. I focus on feeling the warm, golden glow of the sun coursing through my body. This is jewellery to chase the clouds away. A little bit of mind-over-matter can convince your soul that it's a beautiful day, no matter what the weather is doing outside. On days when the sun is shining, I wear my Sunburst jewellery to remind the Sun how much I love him and invite him to please stick around awhile.

The traditional symbolism of the sun often relates directly to the ways it makes us feel. It is a symbol of vitality, passion and energy. But my personal favourite meaning to attribute to a piece of sun symbolism I'm wearing is "rebirth". The sun heralds the dawning of a new day, every day. It's a beautiful reminder to start anew, recalibrate. A message to ourselves to shake off the shit from this chapter and step, cleansed, into a new one.


Divine Feminine: Missy Elliott


April Jewel Of The Month